AFNOR MoX27Co Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

Version 4.36
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MoX27Co(AFNOR) - Relatively new stainless steel. So far appeared in MesserKontor in Antretoise knives. Seems to be very much like Takefu VG-10 stainless steel, except for the higher Chromium content, which is 17.50% vs. 14.50% in Takefu VG-10 stainless steel. Unfortunately, trace elements data is missing, otherwise MoX27Co might be closer to Aichi ZA-18 stainless steel. At least Chromium is closer to that, but less cobalt. Anyway, regardless of the group, it's a good stainless steel with 60-61HRC working hardness range and good corrosion resistance.

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Country - France(FR)

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