Myodo H1 Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

Version 4.36
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H1(Myodo) - Basically this is a real stainless steel, practically doesn't rust. Doesn't have much Carbon to speak of, just 0.15%, but having 0.10% Nitrogen helps its performance. H1 isn't the steel to expect high wear resistance or edge holding in general, but where it really shines is resistance to corrosion. As such, it performs best in diving knives and generally, in knives designed to be used in aggressive environments. Still, it performs quite well, similar with Aichi AUS-6 steel and Aichi AUS-8 steel, at the same time being considerably more corrosion resistant, which means it'll outperform most of the stainless steels in harsh environments. H1 is work hardening steel, which is supposed to get harder as it is used. According to 2006 post on Spyderco forums, Crucible Specialty Metals tested at least two Spyderco H1 knives, one plain edged, another with SpyderEdge and even though the spines were still 58HRC, the edges measured 65HRC and 68HRC respectively. That's really high by any standard. And according to the same source, H1 doesn't become brittle at that hardness. The only thing is, it's not quite clear how to use it to induce that work hardening. Cutting abrasive materials to cause friction is supposed to do the trick, but based on the later feedback, it's not that simple. Sharpening by hand is in theory very much friction inducing work, except you're removing metal and apparently doesn't increase H1 steel edge hardness either. Belt grinders do increase H1 hardness though. Given those two statements, you can deduce yourself, how fast you'd have to cut abrasive mediums to cause hardness increase.

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