As I've mentioned in 10" BDC review I've been interested in relatively small kukris. And since those two BDCs appeared together in Uncle Bill's blem box I decided to get them both, for comparison and for collection. So, BDC stands for - Bura Dui-Chirra. Royal kami Bura being the maker and the designer. Dui-Chirra stands for two(dui) fullers(chirra). For more info and to see original Dui-Chirra check out this HI page.
- Usual setup, which is Kukri itself in leather sheath or scabbard, plus karda and chakma. Handle is horn, black color. As its smaller brother, 14" BDC also was in blem box. And as with its small bro, I couldn't find anything wrong with the kukri or its companions. Quality is very good, especially the mirror polish is just excellent. Check out the pictures in the links at the end of this mini review.Blade
- Being 14" long this isn't neither small nor large kukri. Apparently you'd call it medium kukri. Emphasize here is on the work kukri, because 14 inch long blade generally would be considered a large one. So far, I haven't had an opportunity and time to use this knife, so can't comment much on it. Although, it'd make a good all around/hiking/camping one. Not too heavy, and yet packs plenty of chopping/cutting power. Plus it has karda, for more delicate works. So, why not. I'll update this page later once I get a chance to use this knife.Sharpness and Sharpening
- NIB sharpness was satisfactory, but not exactly razor sharp. Using mousepad/sandpaper method I've sharpened it to the required level. So, not it sports miror polished, razor sharp edge just like its brothers. The original edge like all other kukris was convex edge, which it the same type now, after my resharpening.Specifications:
- Blade - 203.20mm(8")
- Thickness - 5.44mm
- OAL - 310.00mm(12.2")
- Steel - 5160 steel at 58-60HRC
- Handle - Wood
- Acquired - 04/2004 Price - 80.00$
Last updated - 05/19/19