There are a few companies and private parties producing various LED adapters and drop-in modules for the popular flashlights. Inretech is one of them, and one of the most popular I guess. Currently (2003) they produce about half a dozen different units in different colors. Once I started looking into conventional to LED conversion Inretech was one of the first choices to go to. Some of their products are truly unique, some have competing products. 2AA adapter for Maglite 2AA flashlight is one of those. There are several comparable products out there. Since I bought 2 other modules(Helios & Trilight) from them, Mike Boyde was nice enough to throw in a free 2AA adapter :) Generous gesture indeed.
- It is fairly easy. Just disassemble your MM, replace lens with the optics that come with the kit(acrylic collimator), remove the incandescent bulb, insert LED, assemble the flashlight and you're back in business. Except your new MM is few times brighter than the original one :) Instructions are posted on Inretech as well.Beam
- Like I said above the beam is a lot more powerful than the original MM. I don't have the light meter currently, but visually it is very clear that 1W Luxeon outshines MM incandescent bulb by margin. Also, on the positive side, the LED light is a lot more smooth compared to original. The spot is much brighter and even. In short no comparison. No questions asked 1W LED is a winner here.As far as the beam color goes, officially it's white. However all white LEDs I've seen so far have some sort of color in them. Might be bluish, or very light green as with Inretech 2AA. Doesn't really affect color recognition though. I haven't had any problem telling the colors in completely dark room using modified flashlight,
As of the output. Being brighter than incandescent MM, it is not the brightest 1W Luxeon LED you can buy. There are brighter mods available, little bit more expensive, but you can get them if desired. However, this adapter is optimized more for the feeding time than brightness. It can run for a lot longer than the original configuration. Donno exactly how much longer, I'll have to confirm with Inretech :) For the stats, white LED 2AA brightness is 18 Lumens.
Last updated - 05/06/19