In summer 2003 Stremlight started offering their TaskLight in 1 watt Luxeon Star LED edition. I am not really familiar with Streamlight products, and in fact this Luxeon TaskLight is my first product from them. However my first experience was very positive. Although to be completely objective, before I got my TaskLight which was preordered fro a while, I read couple complaints from the folks who got it earlier than I did. Complaints were regarding very poor LED quality and dim light. However mine was free from those problems. In short I am pretty much happy with my TaskLight. Looks very well made, and so far so good, no problems with it whatsoever. As a power source, TaskLight uses 3 AA batteries, and those are cheap and easy to get, besides I have a dozen 2200mah rechargeable AA batteries and those make the feeding thing practically a non-issue.
- TaskLight body is made of anodized aluminum, that is CNC machined. Overall once you look at it, you can tell the quality product. Also, as Streamlight states body is O-ring sealed and features an unbreakable polycarbonate lens. I'm sure you can break it if you try real hard, but for normal use, it should be plenty hard. The handle is knurled and also has two deeper grooves close to each end. TaskLight also is equipped with a lanyard hole, but it's rather unusual one. There is a small cylinder recessed in the handle butt, and the nylon lanyard cord that comes with the flashlight is attached to it with the simple loop. However, removing and installing lanyard cord is rather tricky operation. And not all types of cord will work, the hole is real small, the stock cord has special small cord attachment that actually goes through the hole.Operating is intuitive and simple. Push the rubber button, light is on, push it again, light is off. No levels, no click menus, no twisting. Unfortunately there is no momentary on/off function as found on larger maglites or other advanced LED lights. You have to push the button and release it to turn it on or off. Would've been more convenient if it had momentary on/off, but that's not the big deal anyways.
Because TaskLight uses 3 AA batteries it is longer than small, 2AA maglites, and slightly longer than LGI or Nightbuster 8x. That's thanks to its larger head unit. Apparently because of the reflector. But by no means it's bulky or heavy. In short is's a compact and plenty powerful flashlight which will be handy in many situations and will last a lot longer than any incandescent flashlight.
- The beam quality is very good. Not the best I've seen, but definitely one of the better ones. Especially considering the price. Beam is almost white, with shall hint of purple. The only 1W Luxeon LED flashlight that has a whiter beam is Hyper Lux I. As of the brightness, also no complaints here. While TaskLight isn't as bright as either Hyper Lux I or severely overdriven LGI, it still is produces brighter beam compared to all 1W drop-in modules I have(Inretech and BadBoy), and brighter than CMG Reactor III. Also, build quality and durability is significantly better than that of Maglite or CMG. One feature that makes TaskLight stand out from other LED flashlights is the use of the reflector. That's right, TaskLight uses a reflector, not commonly used optical units in LED flashlights. At least for TaskLights this produces definitely positive result. Although the use of reflectors in LED flashlights was a subject of several arguments on LED related forums. Anyway, I am glad with the results, and that my TaskLight didn't turn out to be a lemon.Last updated - 05/06/19