GB 7Cr17MoV Knife Steel
Composition Analysis Graph, Equivalents And Overview

Version 4.36
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7Cr17MoV(GB) - Chinese equivalent of the AISI 440A stainless steel. Strictly speaking, this is not the standard name, 7Cr17 is, there is no 7Cr17MoV neither in GB/T 20878 nor in GT/T 1220 standard specifications. While the standard lists up to 0.75% Molybdenum in the composition, Vanadium is not mentioned at all. So, that V at the end of the name doesn't really mean much. There are some sources listing it with 0.04% Vanadium, but that's very little to seriously affect steel performance.

Manufacturing Technology - Ingot

Country - China(CN)

* - Listed as an equivalent or replacement for alloys in this group.

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