First time I've heard of REKAT (Round Eye Knife And Tool) was on Bladeforums. Anyway, REKAT knives are quite different from other knives & have their unique, distinguished style. Things change fast in these days. I bought my first SIFU probably a year and a half ago, and today (summer 2002) REKAT is no more :( For last year or so there were several events preceding the decease of REKAT. First the reports regarding the REKAT rolling lock failure appeared, then Christina Montero(CEO) announced closing down the forum, then they discontinued SIFU, which was their flagship model, and finally the word was that they've stopped business operations. It's all quite sad, REKAT had very interesting designs and I for one like SIFU a lot. IMHO they didn't do very good job with customer service/issues and eventually that was gonna happen. Ok, this is not the REKAT story page, for more you can check bladeforums and the REKAT forum Archive Bladeforums is still there.
- I didn't like all of their products but the Sifu megafolder I do like a lot :) I've seen few complaints about the quality of their products, but personally I find my Sifu to be a well done product. Basically everyone agreed that REKAT was having some problems with quality control, which turned out to be more than serious, but Sifus were the best they made. Ironically it was SIFU rolling lock problems that started the events mentioned above.Now about the knife itself. Megafolder probably is the best term to describe SIFU, which in chinese means Teacher(?). 5.45 inches long blade attached to 6.5 inches long handle :) Looks very impressive, especially when opened ;) To get the idea click on the link to see Sifu & BM 710 Axis together. Despite of it's more than large size (for a folder) Sifu feels very comfortable in hand, & surprisingly maneuverable. Action is quite smooth, especially for the size ;) Although I've cleaned it with Break Free & then lubed again with Mehaz. Now it's even smoother.
Rolling Lock
- currently I don't have much info regarding the rolling lock mechanism, but what I know is that it was invented by custom maker Pat Crowford and when well executed it should be able to hold up to 600 lbs. Eventually REKAT declared that spine whack was an abuse and would damage the lock pins. Therefore don't try that, unless you consider that your tactical blade should withstand spine whacking. I personally strongly believe in that, if the folder is designed as tactical then things do happen unfortunately, and your knife may receive a whack or two in the tactical situation, thus it better be up to the task. For the reference both of my SIFUs withstand spinewhacking w/o problems. Rolling lock is easier to operate than Benchmade axis, however it's not ambidextrous.Blade
- The Blade made of ATS-34 & REKAT did make it in D2 tool steel (check out the D2M SIFU review). I like the Sifu blade a lot :) I mean the look :) Functionality wise it's much more useful than Gunsite tanto for example, it has plenty of belly, recurve is lots of help in many cutting applications, etc etc. I'm comparing to Gunsite since that's the comparable folder & Sifu has a lot of advantages. The steel is better, ATS-34 vs. AUS-8A, D2M steel version of SIFU was even better, the handle material is better, G10 on Sifu vs. Zytel on the Gunsite. Of course, not to be forgotten that the Sifu is sporting REKAT rolling lock mechanism vs. lock-back on the Gunsite, the ease of operating, safety and the strength or the rolling lock mechanism should be better compared to lockback. Although you've read above, there were problems and your SIFU may have them too :(.
- Specifications:
- Blade - 137.16mm(5.4")
- Thickness - 3.17mm
- OAL - 304.80mm(12")
- Steel - ATS-34 steel at 59-61HRC
- Handle - G-10
- Acquired - 06/2000 Price - 125.00$
- Lock Mechanism: REKAT proprietary Rolling Lock.
Related reading:
- REKAT Bladeforums Sifu Megafolder Folding Knife Review
- Camillus CUDA D2E Aftermath Folding Knife Review
- Spyderco Tatanka C180GP Folding Knife Review
Last updated - 05/19/19